a spoonful of random...

i'm blaming my insanity on the heat

written at 12:05 a.m. on 08.28.04

Tonight was the part of freshman orientation I dreaded most.. games. Last night's "get to know you" games were actually more fun than I expected. The freshman are divided up into groups of around twenty five individuals. The people in your group will be in your Cornerstones class, which is some unique-to-LeTourneau course. They also are your team for the freshman orientation games and activities and events and whatnots.

So, I made two pretty good friends in my group--Daniel and Kyle. But, I also made a few good friends in my suite and elsewhere in my building. I'd name them all, but I don't remember one of the girls' names, and that would make me feel bad to leave her out. She's my fellow Lord of the Rings fan. (She hasn't read the books, but she loves the movies, so that's a start. At least I'll have someone to watch the movies with!)

Anyway, tonight's games were all sportsish in a way, though with that camp-like or Awana-like feel to all of them. Ok, not quite as bad as Awana. All the same, I had a blast, and being one of a two girls has its benefits, particularly because the other girl is short, a little stocky, and very heavily opinionated but also very stubborn and shy. So,... basically, I can steal a lot of attention, and it makes my inner attention whore deliciously happy.

Well, I'm about ready to go get ready for bed. I'm exhausted!! I made three trips to Target today, one trip to the dollar store, several trips around campus, and then this bombardment of games a few hours ago.

Oh, and I'm writing this all on Friday night, though it will appear to be written early Saturday morning. Cool beans, eh? Not really, I know. I'm tired, so bear with me.

Ok, I'm off to go dream about nerdy guys!! Whoop whoop! Actually, I'm off to dream about Frodo, my one true love. Gotta keep a straight head in times like these.

Oh gosh, this is my cue to exit. The end!

(Correction: Wayell, y'all, it's fayixin' to bahyeey thahyee ahyyend rayeeght abahyoot. naayow.)

((Translation of correction: Well, y'all, it's fixin' to be the end right about now.))

:: before :: after