a spoonful of random...

my feet smell like toothpaste

written at 1:04 a.m. on 09.19.04

What the crap am I doing up at one o'clock in the morning after spending Friday night and Saturday on a retreat?

Good question. The answer is, I'm scratching the skin off my feet.

Since you're so good at asking questions, I'm guessing you're asking, "Why?"

Well, a good question deserves a good answer. My feet.. they itch. My ant bites from the first week of school were finally almost gone. Then, I wandered into what could have been named "Camp of Ants from Hell." I now boast sixty ant bites on my feet, on one each leg, one on each elbow, two on the back of my left hand, one on my left pinky knuckle and one under the promise ring on my left ring finger.

Pardon me while I take this time to scratch furiously. GAHHHH!!

Ok, I just read up on some home remedies to try. One involves toothpaste, another involves roll-on deodorant, and then there is another involving WD-40.

The toothpaste was a little messy to put on, but it's actually kinda working, though possibly due in part to the placebo effect. (Ugh, I'm quoting things from psychology class. How sad is that?)

Anywho, I'm going to go to Walmart tomorrow (hopefully) to get this stuff called "After Sting." I have "After Bite," which works pretty well for chigger bites and stuff, but it does crap for fire ant stuff. The stuff I'll get tomorrow is specifically for "fire ant sting relief."

The freshmen retreat was.. fun, I guess. Only twenty four hours in length, it was long enough to provide a break from the daily grind, but not so long that I got sick of it. I was feeling under the weather for most of the trip, but it was still a lot of fun.. minus the part about getting bit to death by bugs.

Oh, I'm also getting Sims 2 when I go to Walmart. I have been waiting for that to come out for months now. I was bummed that it came out the day we left for the retreat. I would've gone today, but I fell asleep as soon as we got back sometime late afternoon. I slept until 11pm, when I woke up and remembered I was supposed to go with a friend who is judging a hands-on-hard-body contest. (A bunch of people stand around and put their hands on a pick-up truck. Whoever is the last one with their hand on the truck wins the truck. It's been going on since Wednesday night I think.) Anyway, that fell through (long story) and I'm now wide awake. I actually only woke up cuz my feet were so itchy.

Actually, I'm getting sleepy again. Off I go. I have church in the morning anyway. Don't want to sleep through that!

Itch itch itch... Dang, this is so annoying. Sigh

:: before :: after