a spoonful of random...

food, food, music, and food

written at 3:59 p.m. on 01.05.05

Guess who just woke up two whole minutes ago?

... (guessing time) ...

If you're as smart as I know you are, you guessed Rachel / Cookie / me! That's right, I most definitely was a bum of the lazy variety today. I went to bed at 4am, slept til 4pm. This is the life, folks! Well, with the exception of some downfalls I have noticed lately. 1) I live in the dark, cuz it gets dark here so fast. It's cloudy around here anyway, so it's not like I'm missing much, but I do like daylight on occasion. 2) I don't get a lot of good meals in a day. I eat when I wake up, like a bowl of cereal. Then I get pizza for dinner, some fabulous dessert, and that's it! Ok, I oftentimes sneak downstairs for a midnight snack. 3) I am going to be so completely screwed when I get back to school. That's right, school. Next Tuesday is when my classes start. I have to be out of bed at 9:30am. I haven't seen that time of day more than two or three times since getting home.

Ok, new topic. I... I'm starving and can't think thanks to my oh-so-rude stomach. Pardonnez-moi while I go grab some food to quiet down the groans and grumbles of my unhappy tummy.

... (pause) ...

So, the first food to enter my mouth day is a goo bar and some milk. A goo bar being my stupid name for a seven-layer bar, with the coconut, chocolate, sweetened condensed milk, and graham crackery crust. Yeah, the ones that I tried not to share with anyone by mentioning that they had coconut in them (not many people like coconut, in my experience, though I love it). This little plot of mine worked for the first three batches my mom sent me at school. Then, someone decided to be brave (desperate for chocolate, more accurately) and try one. Alas, now the word is out and everybody wants some when they come to me in packages at school. I'm reeeally glad mi madre made me some while I'm home. They're so good fresh.

Ok, enough about food. I'm listening to Jamie Cullum's CD, Twentysomething, and I'm loving every jazzy second of it. From the moment I first saw his music video for All At Sea on MTV, I knew this man was going to be my good friend.

Because I, umm, got distracted by AIM for a while and then by a few games online, I'm now a few CDs later, listening to my beloved Ella Fitzgerald. It's also six o'clock, and the pizza of life arrived only a few minutes ago. I'm shoveling it (the food, not the CD) into my mouth while typing away. Mmmm. Man, there is nothing in the world that can compare to Chicago pizza. It just isn't the same anywhere else! All the pizza genes migrated to Chicagoans, and there they will until the end of time!

Well, my plans to watch Return of the King for the fifth time in four nights were foiled by the fact that my dad needs his laptop for work purposes. Poo. I hate watching DVDs downstairs, since is it so ghetto cold down there. It is also way not fun watching them in my mom's room, thanks to a retarded lack of seating. My room is the ideal place for movie-watching, with its heat and comfortable seating, but alas, I lack a DVD player. Sigh, the traumas of a 19-year-old girl snowed in over Christmas break.

Hey, good news! While I was bemoaning my problems there, I got to thinking about people with real problems, like the victims of the recent tsunami. The good news there is that my roommate's family is totally ok! The tsunami hit another island, so Monik's family is fine! I was so relieved to hear that. Thanks for your prayers on that matter! I know it means a lot to her.

Well, my fingers are getting to be disastrously greasy, so I'm gonna finish scarfing down my pizza and call this a wrap on this entry. Ciao!!

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