a spoonful of random...

the end is in sight!

written at 3:08 a.m. on 12.10.04

I'm not sure why I encountered difficulties adding an entry at 3am, but that's just the way the cookie is crumbling.

This Cookie, however, is trying her very bestest not to crumble. Many long, wearisome days are adding to infinite amounts of stress during this last bit of the semester. I do not think I will ever be this happy again to see a semester end. I will undoubtedly be happier about the results of semesters. My goodness, enough talk of depressing school.

You know, I have been told on more than one occassion that one cannot be a good pianist if one cannot improvise. I just got hit with a wave of exhaustion, so I'm going to sleep and finish that thought in the next entry. Good night!

:: before :: after