a spoonful of random...

the world is conspiring to try to make me anorexic. jerks.

written at 3:23 p.m. on 06.08.05

AHHHHHH! I'm fat!

Ok, not really, but I can't be sure. My mom has been poking fun at me since I got home from college for being fat. Granted, I gained a bit of pudge around the waist, but being an expert at sucking this stuff in, I still fit into all my clothes and still pull off the "I have a flat stomach" appearance.

But still, I got out of the van the other day while it was parked into the garage next to Midnight, the black car. I'm used to my dad's gold Ford Escort being parked there, so I didn't really see it. So the door oh-so-gently landed against the black car, causing my mom to gasp and say, "Rachel! Are you getting to fat to be in my car?"


Then, I had a dream last night in which I was being tormented by my friend Allison's mom and Pirate Josh. "Yeah, you have put on quite a few pounds since getting back, Rach." I was bawling in my dream, not sure what to do.

The crowning moment of all this panic came when I read my guestbook. Yeah. Go check it out. Aeujpfaoijwpoeij. Jerk.

Ok, well.. I'm gonna take my fat, fatty, fat self to go make Rice Krispies treats with my mom before Gilmore Girls. Then, I'm gonna set up the new DVD/VHS player that we got to replace the one that blew up in the basement thanks to the huge power outage last week. I can finally play DDR again! And lose some of this apparent weight. *Sob*

"I'm not fat, I'm fluffy!"

:: before :: after