a spoonful of random...

number two hundred!!!

written at 5:13 p.m. on 04.16.04
Wow, anyone who has checked out the guestbook recently should be surprised to see me here. Josh made countless threats against my life, and it's a miracle that I'm alive and typing. Actually, the real miracle is that I've finally made the 200-entry mark!! Whoo-hoo!

::Everybody take a break and celebrate by doing an Irish jig while listening to Mexican Polka music and singing opera in Latin. Or you can be a yellow-livered coward and shout out "Hip hip hooray!" Of course, choosing the latter option brands you forever as a boring piece of crap. The choice is yours.::

Ok, enough celebration for one day. Anyone still in the celebrating mood can light a candle for Ally's birthday and then blow it out, while making a wish for her.

Now that we've got all the wiggles out, let's settle down for story time, children.

Once upon a time, there was a princess. This princess got iritis, and she became more hideous than ever before. The princes from the neighboring kingdoms gasped at the sight of the eye, while the chambermaids giggled as only chambermaids can.

The princess was getting ready to attend a play being put on by the peasants of the kingdom. As she was fretting over her looks in the mirror mirror on the wall, she noticed that the infected eye was returning to normal. She rejoiced and is currently making plans to look as beautiful as possible. In fact, the princess is looking so swell that the manservants are flocking to her side this very minute. And.. this story is to be continued at a later date. Dun dun dun.

Now to give more attention to my guestbook stalker. Josh, I apologize for not mentioning your glorious quote in yesterday's entry. Everyone pay close attention as I give proper homage to the greatest comment on the condition of my eye yet:

"How Marilyn Manson of you!"
Yes, a round of applause for Josh and his wittiness. Yes, the same Josh who is the worst stalker/killer ever. He can't do either task to save his life. But, of all things to fail at, I guess those are acceptable. He does do a bang-up job proposing to people in the middle of the street, and of course he's an expert at wooing girls with his Ghostbuster-esque vacuum cleaner. Oh right, and he's a pirate.

You know, I think that instead of trying to make this entry super-amazing (being that it's the 200th one, in case you missed that part earlier), I'm going to send you to another site worth celebrating. I'm sending you to the homestarrunner.com. More specifically, I'm sending you to the 100th episode of Strongbad's Email. Click here to go there. In the offchance that you are wicked cool and have already seen this email, go read PorkTornado's diary and congratulate him on being the number one diary on Diaryland according to some ranking site thing.. yes. He's freakin hilarious, so just go and read and laugh.

Thanks to all my loyal readers who have inspired me to write all 200 entries. I'd also like to thank my family, for providing me with situations to make fun of.. and to all the stupid people out there who make life too funny to be legal.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you, and goodnight.

:: before :: after