a spoonful of random...

Ugh.. it's December again.

written at 10:10 p.m. on 12.12.05

A million cheesy lines just popped in my head, including (but not limited to) "Guess who's back, back again" and "Lucy, I'm home!"

There is just no graceful way to make yet another reappearance on a blog. I mean, I was doing so well with the whole daily update thing, updating three diaries daily (here, LJ, and Xanga). And then December hit me in the face. Repeatedly. Not only is the weather cold and snowy and depressing, but I quit going to school (again), got sick, contemplated quitting my job, blah blah.

Life is falling apart. Still? Again? Something like that.

Arg. I hate thinking about it.

I'm hoping that Random and Humor will return sometime in the next few days. I miss having a fun diary. You probably miss it, too.

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