a spoonful of random...

there is no such thing as a "Chicago baseball fan." Cubs or Sox. pick one, ya pansies!

written at 5:18 p.m. on 10.13.05

Wow, things could not get any crazier at work. Apparently, the new guy has been asking about me.

Coworker A - called me his "dream girl"
Coworker B - asked me out
Coworker C - is planning to ask me out

Goodness gracious! This whole "nerdiness is in!" trend is a real thing, folks! I'm getting 20 years worth of attention in four months. I've had at least five people who found me through the internet try to meet and date me in the past four months alone! My word.

I think the frustrating part is that I apparently suck at dealing with attention from guys! As soon as that friendship border is crossed, I start wigging out like Superman near Kryptonite. Blearg!

In other news, I got a cell phone, finally! And it now connects to the internet like it should! It only took me 30 minutes on the phone with Cingular Customer Service to get it fixed! I must say, all the customer service reps have been fantastic in helping me achieve my goals. I may have my patience tested a bit, but in the end, they have pulled through. It just registered in my head how bizarre it is that I've made two calls to them without hesitation. I wasn't nervous, I wasn't balking at the idea of using the phone, and I wasn't begging my mom to do it for me. Maybe I am growing up a bit!

Work, guys, phone, school (same as always, no need for a special paragraph), and social life (still pretty non-existent). I think that about covers everything.

For a little not-related-to-me blurb, let me just say that my heart goes out to all my fellow Cubs fans right now. It's dang hard to choose.. root for your city or stick to your die-hard hatred of the Sox? Nobody should be forced to make decisions like that!!

Oh yeah, and I found out the other day that my dad is a traitor. "I AM a die-hard Cubs fan. But I also like the Sox." My jaw dropped to the ground after I heard that one. I wanted to cry forever. My dad has always been a constant in my life. He loves the Cubs, he loves his computer, and he is lovably stable. I grew up hating the Sox and hating Macs because my daddy did. And now this? THIS? No no no, this just can't be right. He's delusional in his old age. Oh man, I'm still in shock! I'm off to go try and locate the source of an odd smell coming from my room. Nevermind. It's my cat.

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