a spoonful of random...

Neither lucky nor charmed...

written at 9:56 a.m. on 06.06.06

Today is 06.06.06, and I fully expect the world to explode today. In fact, I will be spending my morning walking around the neighborhood donning a sandwich-board sign declaring the end of the world.

Just kidding. It's raining. I don't walk in the rain.

More pressing on my schedule is the need to find my damn Lucky Charms. No joke. I had an entire box of the stuff just sitting on my desk not even three days ago. I returned home from work, and it was missing. (Dun dun dun DUNNN!!!) I know my Lucky Charms would never leave me willingly, for they know just how lucky and charmed they are to be in my stomach, albeit temporarily.


My money's on the Trix rabbit. Silly rabbit can't have Trix for breakfast every morning.

Anyway, time to go do some chores so that I can finally get my internet curfew back to midnight instead of 6:30pm. If you see my Lucky Charms, please eat them. Meanly. Yes, chomp as angrily as possible at the marshmallowy goodness. Teach that dang cereal a lesson!

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