a spoonful of random...

the bermuda triangle is on the move

written at 5:40 p.m. on 02.22.04
Let's just say that the previous entry was too long. Basically, in a nutshell, I got into a fight with my cereal, and I have a lot of memories from Texas.

I'm on an updating frenzy today, mostly because I have the internet on, and I just can't resist! My hands can't leave the keyboard for more than a minute, or I get antsy. I managed to finish all my homework except for Calculus, so I am pretty much home free. Oh, I have to go exercise in about twenty minutes. Actually, make that ten minutes, since my computer clock is apparently way off.

I wonder what happened to that guy who signed my guestbook back in the day, who didn't seem to have a diary of his own, but was just stopping by.. It's weird how people just disappear into thin air like that. Maybe the Bermuda Triangle moves around. I would if I were the Bermuda Triange. Heck, staying in one spot all the time would be boring.

If I had the power to suck up annoying people and digest them, I most certainly would find a more interesting spot to do it in. A change of scenery is always welcome, even to a vacuum-like monster triangle. My first stop would definitely be Washington, D.C., then Hollywood, then Canada. Mexico is high on my list, as well as Europe in general. People who live in Wisconsin would definitely make good victims, and all fast-food drive-thru workers with bogus accents would go, too.

Ah.. life as the Bermuda Triangle would be great. Just cuz you're on my buddy list doesn't mean you're safe, either. All creators of dumb diaries and dumb diary ads and dumb ads in general will most definitely be getting a visit from me, the traveling Bermuda Triangle, sometime in the near future. Beware, all evil scumbags. Oh, Pirates are automatically safe, as well as hobbits. Beware, some Lord of the Rings fans may get sucked up, regardless of their obviously good taste in books and movies.

I hope I dream about being a Bermuda Triangle tonight.

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