a spoonful of random...

Too upset for a real entry. Just deal with the rambles.

written at 9:44 a.m. on 02.06.06

I love that four percent of visitors to this site are from an unknown continent. When I'm President, I hope to be allowed to name this new land mass. Definitely not a job I should take on in the morning hours, however, since the only name I can currently think of is, "Your Mom."

What the deuce?!! That is one of the creepiest things I have seen in a long time. Remind me not to click unknown links before noon. Definitely not before breakfast.

I couldn't think of the phrase "real estate" Saturday night. I was like.. what's that industry.. selling and buying houses.. I literally had to Google "sell houses" to find the phrase. It was ridiculous. I need more sleep.

The issue that most needs to be discussed is one that I can't risk leaving out in the open air of the blogosphere. I am sadly going to have to write yet another protected entry on LiveJournal. Some day, Diaryland will allow free members to protect entries. Until then, au revoir, mes chers.

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