a spoonful of random...

Say goodbye to sweatpants and bon-bons.. or at least sweatpants.

written at 8:46 a.m. on 12.28.05

Let's clarify. I may live with a morning person, I may be up before noon like a morning person, but I will not quack like a morning person or take part in any other morningesque rituals. I am going to sit here like a good night owl and pretend that the little time indicator at the top of this entry box say 8:46pm.

The quacking line is what happens when I'm folding laundry at 8am. I fell asleep on the couch in the family room while doing laundry. I set my phone alarm to go off at 2:30am, but for as long as I've lived with myself, I should know that giving myself an hour for a nap is as deadly as telling the lady next to me on the airplane that I'm planning to blow up her collection of elephant tusks using an explosive midget. Things could get ugly.

Speaking of laundry, I'm done with it! All I have left are delicates, and I have to finish those after my mom does her laundry. Yeah, but the rest of it is folded and put away. I have a full closet! Full of clean clothes! Oo oo! I also have a path from my door to my chair, but not just a "stuff got kicked out of the way or mushed down from constant walk-throughness" kind of path. No no, it's a bona fide path that has been cleared. The obstacles that previously hindered my movement have been PUT. AWAY. *happy and very proud sigh*

Dang it feels good to gain even the smallest bit of control on my life. I can finally move on from the sweatpants and bon-bons phase of the break into the cute outfits and bon-bons phase. Woohoo!

Pardon me while I go eat my bon-bons.

:: before :: after