a spoonful of random...

2.5-dimensions... more proof that i'm not a morning person

written at 11:00 a.m. on 07.08.05

Ok, I'm officially still not a fan of this whole waking up idea. I also am getting a lot of ugly banners this morning on Diaryland. Boo to ugly banners. If you're gonna create something with text, make sure you add the text after you shrink your image (if you must shrink your image) so that I can read your freaking text.

I can't believe how cranky I am before noon. Rants just spill out all over the place, and I sure as heck am scowling at the ugly banner that is STILL HOVERING at the top of the screen, despite the fact that I'm giving it a pretty intense glare that would have any living object scurrying for the hills.

Just so you all may be updated on my circadian rhythmness, I went to bed at one o'clock in the morning and woke up at 10:30 a.m. again. So.. while my bedtime moved back four hours, I still woke up at the same time. I may eventually force myself into a real circadian rhythm after all!

Seeing that it's still not noon yet, my thoughts are a little bizarre. For example, I was talking with Jason about falling in love with animated characters from cartoon shows.. Then, I got to thinking about a kid who wasn't 2-D or 3-D but was 2.5-dimensional. How the heck would that work? HOW? Tell me! Now!

We actually got on the subject after discussing the episode of Cowboy Bebop that he sent me yesterday. He's constantly trying to convert me to an anime-lover, and I'm pretty much letting him. I must say that I prefer the episode he sent me last night to the dubbed version we watched on TV at some point during the school-year. Dubbed anime on Cartoon Network.. not the best. Anyway, I see a lot of anime and Family Guy in my future this fall. Considering that I will insist on Gilmore Girls and Lord of the Rings being watched, too.. I'm not seeing any real chance for me to go to school.

Speaking of which, if anybody wants to pay my way through college this year, I'll love you forever and name my first-born child after you and, umm.. crap. *Sigh* I want to continue going to school! Is that too much to ask? So.. I did horribly my first year of college because I was adjusting and getting used to freedom.. Why can't colleges remember how much they wanted me before last year? Huh? Why can't we all ignore my college transcript and look at my pretty high school transcript from the pretty college-prep school with the really tough classes? PLEASE!!

Arg. Ok, I need to go do something until noon. I'm seriously not a morning person. I swear to you, once it hits noon, I'm fine. Heck, yesterday, I was talking to Jason, and my mood switched into being really happy in an instant, and I was so confused. Then, I looked at the clock and saw that it was 12:01 p.m. I almost died laughing. That's such a dumb phrase, too.. "almost died laughing." It'd be an awesome and odd way to die, let me tell you.

RIGHT! I was leaving until noon. Ciao, my darlings!

:: before :: after