a spoonful of random...

Ready or not, here I come!

written at 11:41 a.m. on 03.04.06

Reasons why I am counting down the (twenty-four) days until I leave for my visit to Texas:

1. I miss my friends.

2. I miss being me. Around the aforementioned friends, I am free to be as quirky as I like with no fear of being thought "odd" or "freakish," simply a fear of making them laugh so hard that they pass out.

3. I need to clear my head. I'm going to be making a lot of tough decisions in the next few weeks and months, and it will be nice to just cast off all my cares for a while and to flop into the supportive and caring arms of my friends.

4. I miss hugs. For the most part, I've been able to handle the whole long-distance friends thing, but there are times when I'll be talking to people, and I literally ache with the desire to give them a hug. I am not a huggy, touchy person, but I guess these lovely friends and their hugs (and their glomps) spoiled me a bit.

5. I want to reassure myself that I really do want to move to Texas, that I really do want to go back to LeTourneau. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm just holding on to that dream because it's so familiar. Seeing these people will hopefully either cement this dream in my head as something I must pursue wholeheartedly or give me the wake-up call I need to start opening my mind to other plans of action.

Only twenty-four days, y'all. Man, I'm so excited. *happy sigh*

:: before :: after