a spoonful of random...

scissors dancing on the ceiling

written at 1:53 p.m. on 11.19.03
Ella Fitzgerald is amazing. I have been listening to the same CD all week, and it has done wonders for my morale.

Chapel was actually really nice today. First, I was given the privelege of playing the walk-in song, though I had some trouble getting Jordan to play drums with me. He wanted to wait on the "Cantar" song until we had practiced it some more or something. Anyway, I had fun playing it, even if was a little awkward when Jason refused to start after the song was done. Anyway, we only had three songs planned, mostly because we spent an absurd amount of time practicing for this difficult medley. Anyway, Ally just decided to have us play Breathe, and we played better than we ever have. There is so much talent as far as intuition, which is hard to find in young musicians. Some of the young people who play on worship team at my church do not show the maturity in playing stylistically that the adults show. Anyway, I was really enjoying worship today. I think chapel time will be extended at some point in the near future, and I can hardly wait!

My throat really hurts.

I talked to Mr. Marsh today about raising my history grade, and we spent the entire study hall period discussing what I was missing (which actually wasn't much), and exactly what I needed to do to get at least a B+ and maybe even an A-. The joy and hope I felt after that conversation have provided enough motivation for me to get started on history work again.

My brother spoke to me of his own accord. "Hey, that jazz song was pretty good today before chapel." I am so impressed. He is not mute, as I was beginning to suspect, and he is capable of saying something positive!

I am getting really freakin bored, and I'm tired of .. everything, so goodbye. I'm off to update my other diary.

:: before :: after