a spoonful of random...

eat my shorts.. its too cold for them here

written at 2:13 p.m. on 02.13.04
I made it to Texas!! The license situation got resolved, though.. umm.. never mind. So, here I sit, at LeTourneau. Alli and Sarah (the girls that Allison and I are rooming with) are gone, Allison's showering, and I'm stuck with nothing to do. I brought a book, but I'm too nervous to read right now. Honestly, I have a meeting with my admissions counselor at 2:30, which won't be anything to sweat about. However, I do have my interview at 3:45. It's only ten minutes, but they can ask you up to eight questions. Allison already did her interview, and she thinks she did fine. I'm not so sure I'll be able to answer their questions with any sort of confidence whatsoever. Oh well. I know I'm going to LeTourneau anyway. It's just a matter of $10,000 more in scholarships... Ha, no big deal at all, right? I'm trying to calm myself down. Please bear with me.

Well, I'm off to go check me email and whatnot. Then I think I've got to go get changed for the meeting and interview. Yar! Thanks to everyone (namely Christen and Melissa) who left me encouraging notes! I know there are people out there praying for me, and that means a lot to me. Thanks guys!

(I wish I was off to see the wizard... I could really use some wizardly wisdom right about now... heh..)

The end.

Oh yeah. It's 30 degrees outside. It's going to snow tomorrow, supposedly. That's just for all of you people who were getting jealous and stuff. No warmness here.)

The end again.

:: before :: after