a spoonful of random...

blueberries are a cool color

written at 8:16 p.m. on 01.28.04
To do the traditional dayblog thing, or not to do the traditional dayblog thing. First, let me ask you this... Do you suppose Shakespeare had any idea how popular his phrase "to be or not to be" would become? Is he "rolling over in his grave," as they say, at the many ways people have abused the phrase, people like me who are too lazy to think up an original witty comment? William, William, William. "To be or not to be" is more than just a question. It's a question that has revolutionized the English catchphrases, helping Americans fill up the silence with even more mindless chatter.

I hope that made sense to someone, for I surely didn't understand a word I said.

Another sidenote before I go back to debating over whether or not to do the "dayblog" thing. I left a note at diaryreviews today. In the nicest way possible, I informed them that their reviewers are not "up to par." (A sidenote off of a sidenote: I'm not sure why I'm using quotation marks so excessively today, but just bear with me until I find out.) I'm not sure what compelled me to leave said note, for there are people like atgaspain who leave criticizing notes all the time. I guess I am just frustrated after reading review after review filled with grammatical and typographical errors, broken links (How hard is it to make a text link?), and even internet slang. What irks me the most is when a reviewer writes something along the lines of: Yr entries are rather lengty, and yr grammar is horible. Fix that up a bit (and you're spelling) and get yourself a new layout and things should be honkey-dorey. Maybe this is just a personal side effect of my perfectionism, but I cringe reading that (and especially writing that), especially because it is a review of grammar.. using poor grammar! Oh well. I can't say that I spell-check or grammar-check my entries before posting them, but I do put forth some effort not to completely abuse the English language.

Since I find myself without any more sidenotes to be distracted by, I shall return to contemplating the question of the hour. Should I dayblog? Should I be at all concerned about future reviews? Before I get gently scolded for caring about reviews, let me say that I do not care for reviews. However, many a reviewer has made the point that it is beneficial to avoid "dayblogging," at least, to avoid overdoing it. This question of the hour is merely spawned by careful consideration of both my purpose here at Diaryland (which is, as of yet, unknown) and my potential audience. After re-creating the look of my diary with this new design, I am contemplating re-creating the idea behind my diary. In fact, I'm really trying to re-discover my voice. Ever since my mad obsession with creating numerous diaries, I have lost my purpose in writing, who I am writing to or for, and, therefore, what I should be writing about. The only place I feel confident when writing is at my lady---arwen diary. There, I write only for me, not for any audience, I try to intelligently ponder real issues within myself or in the world, and I can always fall back on the theme of Lord of the Rings. I know what I'm doing there.

I'm so lost here, and I'm beginning to feel stupid for saying this. I feel like I'm being vulnerable for no real reason. I feel like I'm making a big deal out of online diaries, which shouldn't be a big deal. Man, my brain is not cooperating at all. It's making me all paranoid and self-conscious. Screw paranoia! I will write, I will find a purpose, I will find my voice, I will not worry about an audience. Or at least, I have every intent of doing so. By tomorrow, I may find myself writing the normal spoonful of random, not even bothering with emotion, not referring to anything of any real importance, skimming the surface of who I am and leaving the world in its usual state of boredom or slight amusement.

Hmm, but the sad thing about the lady---arwen diary is the complete lack of spontaneity and humor and randomness. I have been calling this site "a spoonful of random" for quite some time now. Maybe even since day one. Yeah, I think this has been "a spoonful of random" since I first came to Diaryland. This entry is only random in the fact that it required more than two seconds of careless rambling. Ladies and gentlemen, I formally request that you have patience with me while I work through my untechnical difficulties.

It's a pity that there aren't any pink fruits. Wouldn't it be entertaining to see a fruit that was bubblegum pink? (There, the randomness is slowly coming back.) Honestly, I am tired of the colors we have for food now. Food coloring is not the answer, either. Blueberries are a cool color, but they're too tiny to really have the full effect that something like a shiny red apple or a bright yellow banana.

Well, I have yet to find a cure to AIDS, and I can't solve world hunger, but I .. don't know where I was going with that. My brain wandered away mid-sentence and took that train of thought with it. Ah well, the world keeps spinning, I keep rambling, and life.. is.. good.

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