a spoonful of random...

ooh, look at the pretty string...

written at 10:10 p.m. on 01.19.04
Well, I would say it's time for a wee update. Last update.. Tuesday! Yikes. It's been a while. Time flies whether or not you're having fun, apparently.

Wednesday and Thursday were pretty uneventful. I don't recall much happening, actually. That's sad.

Friday, however, was a blast. The leader for the senior girls at youth group decided to invite any girls who were interested to join her for a knitting/crocheting party. Only five girls showed up, but it was a blast. The leader, Mrs. Pearson, is the mother of two boys, so she was completely enjoying having a bunch of girls around. We ended up staying from 7:00 to about 10:30 or so. She made hot chocolate and muffins for us, and it was a blast. Of course, Cribbet called and mocked me when he found out I was knitting my Friday evening away. Oh well. I enjoyed myself nonetheless.

About halfway through the night I realized that I was being entertained by one long piece of string. That was disappointing.

Anyway, Saturday was kinda dull, and Sunday, I came home from church and slept a lot. I wasn't intentionally sleeping either. I was trying to work on English homework, and I kept nodding off at my desk. Now, if you've ever fallen asleep sitting upright, you know that this causes major cramps in your neck and back. Nevertheless, I kept on sleeping that way throughout much of the day.

I'm sure you were anxious to know about my sleep patterns, weren't you?

Ok, well, I just got home from work a wee bit ago, so I need to quickly finish my homework so I can hit the hay properly this time... lying down in my wonderous down comforter, featherbed, down pillows, flannel sheets..... Man.. screw homework. I'm going to bed. I know it's only ten o'clock, but I had a dentist appointment today, and we all know that dentists are experts at sucking the life out of you.

:: before :: after