a spoonful of random...

newsflash: hilarity suspected of kidnapping motivation!!

written at 6:03 p.m. on 11.16.03
Chris, you're alive!!!! I wondered what happened to you when both you and Melissa stopped updating. I was getting a little freaked out. Anyway, I'm glad you're back.

Well then, now that all the people on my buddy list are now confirmed to be alive, I shall proceed with a great sense of relief and joy.

Oh wait, scratch the joy part. I'm still drowning in the apparently never-ending vat of homework. My mom has resorted to having Josh D. bug me about college applications, since she thinks I'm being a "slacker." Ok, so I procrastinate a lot, but sometimes I just have a lot to do! Good gravy.

I figured out why I lost my motivation, so that's somewhat comforting. I used to be motivated to succeed because that was a guaranteed way to get attention. Never mind the fact that the attention was usually negative ("Show-off, smarty-pants, you think you're better than us cuz you're smarter, huh?"), it was attention nonetheless. However, since freshman year, I have discovered that by slacking off and spending more time talking to people rather than slaving away at homework, I get positive attention. Positive attention, regardless of the size of the dose, is always more welcome than negative attention. Therefore, I am in desperate need of a different source of motivation, since attention is fickle.

Yup, I hope that wasn't as boring to read as it was to write.

So much work to do!!! Of course, is there really a point to doing work from last quarter since the computers are messed up and first and second quarter aren't cumulative? Ugh, that's another annoying subject. I hate being so negative! Goodness, and Hilarity isn't back yet from Florida, being that it's stuck in the "airport" at Arkansas. I'm beginning to suspect that Hilarity kidnapped Motivation, too. Hmm.. that sounds like something Hilarity might do to get revenge at me for misusing it so much. Hmm.. Oh well. I've exceeded the pondering-limit for today, and probably the stupidity-limit too, so feel free to thank me for ending this horrendous entry.

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