a spoonful of random...

forget turning over a new leaf

written at 7:05 p.m. on 09.13.03
Ok, screw any cares about reviews. I agree with Allison; since my first review at Diary Reviews, I have ceased being funny, interesting, or anything that at one point attracted new readers.

So, I'm going to forget that anything ever happened, and I shall continue on with the old flow of things. Hopefully, the old me will come back easily, and I won't have to go back to relying on a "random thought of the day" to get me through an entry.

Alright.. Here we go..

I disagree with most of the people voted for the various "senior superlatives," but I will agree to this: Melody definitely deserves her title as "funniest." Here are some quotes from government class:

"Embrace your whoreism..ness..ish..ness.. yes..."
"Mr. Marsh's pants are very tight." :pause: "I like that." :pause: "Is that wrong?"

Oh, and Allison and I have produced much hilarity in AP English and in Calculus. For example:

Me: "It's been one of those days.. No, it's been one of those weeks.."
Allison: "No, it's been one of those lives."

Maybe these are all inside jokes that are funny only at certain times to certain people, but I don't give a rip anymore.

Anywho.. Oh man, great stuff happens at my house all the time. I just can't resist laughing at my family non-stop. Yes, laughing at, not laughing with. For instance, we have about five billion bird feeders in our backyard. The squirrels like to climb up the poles of the ones that are stuck into the ground, where they eat all the bird seed and scare away the birds. Some genius invented this stuff called Squirrel-Away, which greases up the pole so the squirrels can't get up. That's funny in itself, watching the squirrels try to jump from a nearby tree to the pole, only to slide down to the bottom helplessly. But anyway, my mom ran out of Squirrel-Away, and so she has just been sending out our dog to scare away the squirrels. Today, the grass is all wet from the rain, so she didn't want to send the dog out to get wet feet, cuz then someone has to wipe his nasty feet. So, she decided to whip off her socks, dash across the lawn, and then she started making these hissing sounds at the poor squirrel as she was flying at it like a crazed maniac. Needless to say, the squirrel flew from the feeder to the nearest tree faster than the speed of light. I've never heard my mom hiss like that before, and I'm pretty sure I don't want to hear it ever again.

So, there is an official Bob the Snail, but I'm keeping his identity secret, except for a select few people who have asked me privately and in person. Things tend to get weird the more people who know these things, so don't be offended if I don't tell everyone, cuz I'm just being selfish. Bwa ha ha.

Ugh. I have to work today. Oh, I just remembered part of a dream that I had last night. I was sitting across from one of my little cousins, Jenna, and I apparently said "Yar." Jenna then turned to me and said, "You're not supposed to say that word. It's naughty." Very confused, I asked her, "I'm not supposed to say what word? Yar?" Jenna replied, "Yeah, that's a bad word. Mommy said so." I turned around, and sure enough, my Aunt Julie was sitting behind me, smiling approvingly at Jenna. I don't remember how the rest of that scene went, but it definitely had me very confused.

Well, I should get going now, cuz I have a lot to do before I go to work. Bleck. Hopefully I'll be back more often now.

:: before :: after