a spoonful of random...

blah 2

written at 10:27 p.m. on 07.28.03
So, I was supposed to finish that entry from yesterday. What better time than now? So, I got interrupted yesterday by the wonders of AIM. Actually, it wasn't so wonderful... but the whole R-rated story will never ever ever ever be shared in this diary. "Never say never." Yeah, well that phrase is a bunch of crap, cuz it's so stinkin' contradictory. I remember watching that Fiefel movie and hating it because of that one phrase. When you are 7 years old or whatever and you live on logic, you do not mesh well with the illogical.

So, the interestingness of the day is abounding everywhere. My grandparents arrived safe and sound. My mom punctured her hand inbetween the first finger and thumb, and you could see into her hand. I got a little note today from a lady I work with, saying how much she appreciates my good attitude and work ethic. (Can you say, "potential raise"?) And, that's about it, because my dad is a jerk.

"Online is going off, Rachel."

"Five minutes to finish this sentence?"

"I'll give you two."


"Two. I'm getting ready for bed. You need to go to bed."

"Dad, I don't have a bedtime. I'm 17. I even have the day off tomorrow, so I don' need to get up early."

"It's 10:30. Time for bed."

This is where I start screaming in my head. This screaming makes me angry, and I leave you feeling as pissy as Mrs. Wertz on a bad day. If you don't know her, don't worry about it. I'll explain some other time.

The rants will have to wait again.

Coming soon to a diary near you: Rant#20832: How women think they need to dress a certain way to impress men. (rant curtesy of sean.)

The end.

:: before :: after