a spoonful of random...

abortion, stupid people, dumb banners...

written at 9:14 p.m. on 06.16.03
Ok, since I can't seem to avoid this any longer... here is what I think about abortion: 1. Aborting a child is wrong. However, if, for some reason, the choice has to be made between the life of the mother and the life of the child (say because of serious complications affecting the health of both the mom and kid), then, if after serious prayer, the decision is made to end the child's life to spare the mother's, then that is something I wouldn't object to. I mean, if by the death of the child, the mother could be spared... of course, that would be a horrible decision to have to make as the mother. My life or my kid's? The kid has a whole life to live, but then again, the mom might have other kids to care for, etc. Not a choice that I would want to be stuck with.

2. The "tissue mass" is a child from the second of conception. Allison used some of the verses that I had in mind to use for this. Of course, my views are deeply rooted in my faith, so of course not everyone will see Bible verses as any kind of proof. I was also thinking about this the other day....If a pregnant woman has a miscarriage, she mourns the loss of her baby, not of her tissue mass. The emotional attachment between the mother and child begins way before many doctors deem the the cells worthy of the title "child." Abortion really, despite how many probelms it seems to solve, causes a lot of emotional problems. I mean, why are there post-abortion clinics that counsel women if they don't need the counseling? Apparently it's not as glamorous and perfect as it's made out to be. It can also cause a lot of health problems, but I don't need to go into detail. There are plenty of sources besides me to get the inside scoop on the physical and emotional, not to mention spiritual, problems that abortions cause for the women that have them, and often the people involved, like family and friends who may or not disagree with the abortion.

3. I also think that it's wise, if a couple isn't into having a baby, to look into actually being smart and using contraceptives and methods of birth control. Yeah, no method is foolproof, but if what Laura was saying about the morning-after pill (which I haven't actually heard much about) is true, then I'm not against that either, since, as she said, it isn't killing a baby, it's preventing the conception of the baby. There is no baby to kill yet. And if a woman gets pregnant despite prevention, then there is always adoption. Chris, you had mentioned something about the kid coming back 20 years later and being all pissed about finding out that his father had been a rapist (this is assuming that the woman was raped and got pregnant and gave up the kid for adoption). But, it's not like abortion doesn't have it's own haunting memories, though the kid doing the haunting doesn't exist. I've heard so many stories of women who couldn't stop wondering "what if..." after having the abortion, picturing what the child would've looked like, been like, etc.

Anywho, I really can't stop everyone from having abortions, but I guess I feel that it's my right to not only believe the way that I believe but to also share my beliefs with whoever will listen in hopes that somebody might be persuaded to share my beliefs.

Ok, now for the rest of my entry.

Haha, ok, I'm playing Yahoo Pyramids as I write this, and some chik called someone a "f*ckin antelope." How beautifully random, minus the obscenity. I mean, I've been known to swear on occasion (Oh stop wagging your finger at me. You do it to, or at least you think the words sometimes.), but generally I think it's completely out of place and useless and a sign of poor vocabulary. However, it seems hypocritical for me to say that, knowing that I have sworn before. Blah blah.

I see how it is. Don't sign my guestbook unless I update. How very loyal of you. As Christen would probably say.. you skanks! Ah, the freedom to borrow another person's wonderful phrase. For one split second there, I didn't have to be original. I got to let someone else do my thinking. Bwa ha ha. You're all a bunch of suckers. I'm merely using you. You will soon be hypnotized by me and turned into my devoted slaves. Bwa ha ha. Purr. I definitely feel like I should have a little tail to wag right now, like Dogbert. Or I could just continue to purr like Catbert. Yes, Dilbert is the best. If you try to follow my thinking, don't bother. My mind is in two million places at once. Why? Well, today it is because I read a book. I love reading. I swear, I could read all day and never be bored. Even if I was reading the dictionary, which I used to do, when I was like 8 years old, until the World Book Encyclopedia saleslady came over and told me I was weird. No joke. And my parents bought the encyclopedias anyway. Yeah, they're all about love and support, huh? Hmph. Oh, the book I read was awesome. It was called Watermelon and it was written by Marian Keyes. I also bought another one of her books, called Rachel's Holiday, partially cuz it had my name in it. Oh, and I bought Michael Cunningham's book The Hours, which the movie (which I have not seen, but no surprise there) was based off of. Yeah, I went to Barnes and Noble with my family yesterday after we went mini-golfing, cuz my dad wanted to buy a book, and being father's day and all, we decided to stop by. I think we spent like $80 there. It was sweet, but we need a Reader's Advantage card or whatever those things are, cuz I'm planning to spend a lot more money there in the nearby future. Screw getting a gold membership. I WANT BOOKS!! You know, sometimes I just want to throw caution to the wind and write in here like nobody ever read this. But, I also enjoy knowing that some poor souls out there read this. Or, at least they say that they read what I write. Anywho, I kinda feel stupid having to have a main diary, and then other diaries that I can go privately vent in. Oh well. That's the way it is in real life, kinda. One can't go around saying and doing whatever one pleases, cuz there are other people to think about. I dunno. I'm dealing with a heck of a lot of emotions, mainly cuz I'm a super-emotional person, and it would be great to spill that all over my diary, but today could be the day that some random soul comes searching through the diaryland members list, finds my diary, and after reading it, leaves disgusted with the utter lack of restraint, control, and sanity. Yes, unleashed, I am totally insane. You could look at me funny, and instantly, I'm already forming judgments about you, then seconds later, my other self starts arguing with the mean self that I'm being harsh and judgmental, and I relent, and all because you looked at me funny, I've had a three minute conversation with myself in my head. You really don't want to know me, I promise. EYE don't want to know me. (Again, how the heck is one supposed to emphasize the word "I" when it's already capitalized?! The difficulties of this world are never-ending..bwa ha ha.) Well, I'm nearing the end of my sanity. That is, assuming I had any sanity to begin with. I'm so confused right now. Should I be angry? Should I feel betrayed? You don't even know what I'm talking about, and who knows what you've already assumed that I'm talking about. Hilarious. Oh man, I need sleep. I sound like I'm drugged or something. I was this way when I tried to talk to poor Josh, too. It was a mess. I sounded like a drunken whore. I may be a whore and all, but I have never been drunk!! And I'm not really a whore either. I'm not even an incurable flirt, despite whatever Josh may say. WHO CARES? I'm boring myself. I'm sorry you're reading this. I'll just stop updating until I have something of importance to say...

Well, everything from the antelope paragraph to here was an entry that I started to write, before I realized that I had promised to write about abortion one of these days. I'm sure there will come a time that I'll actually be able to intelligently state what I think, but this is not that time, and that time doesn't seem to be anywhere in the really near future, so I decided to throw caution to the wind and to write my crappily written opinion today. Bwa ha ha.

Ok, I'm sooo creeped out by the dumb banner with the chik's eyes. I had to scroll the page down so that the eyes wouldn't be there anymore. Yuk.

Well, my mom's being her stupid summer self (I actually wish I was in school again), and telling me to get off the internet and read or something. Heck, I just read a 400 page book in three hours, which was really slow for me, but it was still pretty good progress!! I HATE PEOPLE SOMETIMES! WHY CAN'T EVERYONE BE PERFECT LIKE ME?!?! --the end--

:: before :: after