a spoonful of random...

my mother is on drugs

written at 10:31 p.m. on 06.13.03
HE CALLED! AGAIN! And this time I was home!! Yay! But now I'm stuck becoming perfect at chess, Mario Kart, and basketball, cuz I refuse to lose to him at anything, and I have been challenged on all three levels. I will NOT lose. I WILL become the best at everything, or at least as good as is humanly possible. Grr. Beware. The competition is on. Bwa ha ha.

Anywho. So, I made three new designs today. Two of them are the same design with different colors, and I've actually only posted one of the designs as of right now. It's pink. I want it to be mine. However, since I like everything I make, I must have self-control, cuz otherwise there would be no design site. Oh, check out the coolness of cookie-d by clicking HERE.

I'm really tired again today. But this time, there is a definite reason. My mom. She has gone summer-whacko. It happens every year somewhere around this time, though this year it was late because she was in "I got my floors, so I'll be nice" mood. That mood has ended. As of today, my brother and I get our list of "summer chores" and we get to wake up every day at 8:00. In the morning. Eight freakin o'clock in the freakin morning. Christen, you of all people know how suicidal this is.

But, I've devised a plan. I tried it this morning, and it worked beautifully. My dad came in like ten times to say "It's time to get up. It's time to get up. It's time to get up." He really repeats himself like that, too. It makes the wake-up process even more annoying. So, I sent him away, yelling, screaming, and cursing at him as he frumped out... j/k about the cursing, but I am nasty in the morning, I will admit. And I'm generally nasty all day if I have to experience any part of the morning. SO, anywho, my genius plan. I shut the door. Whoa.

Now, you may be thinking, "Rachel, you must realize how commonplace this act is of shutting the door. What a freakish little child she is... Poor thing." Well, hold that thought. See, I'm not allowed to shut my door. I know, you'd think that shutting the door would be a privilege earned before the privileges of getting my lisence or going to college and stuff. Yeah, well my family is pretty screwy, if you didn't already know. As much as I love them, I will never allow them to think that they are normal.

So, back to this shutting-the-door plan. I'm only allowed to shut the door IF I'm changing. So, I shut (and discreetly locked) my bedroom door, acting as if I was going to get dressed for the day. Bwa ha ha. I grabbed a quilt, hopped on my couch, and promptly fell asleep. I slept until 9:00. Booyah. That extra hour did oh so much, though not quite enough to help me make it through the "wee" hours of 10:30 at night. Brilliant, eh? If anyone knocks on the door, I'll wake up, say "I'm getting dressed, what do you want?" and scramble around to find some clothes to change into while attempting to answer John Doe's question.

I really am exhausted.

On a totally different note, my dad (oh crap, it's Father's Day on Sunday..!!) got a hold of the Matrix screensaver. Just for me. AND he downloaded a pop-up-ad stopper, which may or may not work, but let's hope it does, cuz Yahoo is getting obnoxious about pop-up ads lately.

Anywho, I'm off to see the wizard. And to fix some HTML crap on cookie-d and all the designs there. And to sit around and think up something witty to say about Christen in my cast page. And to mention to Shannon and Allison that I won't be working in Elgin on Thursday anymore.. just Friday. And to say "Happy Early Birthday!" to Christen. And to fly to Virginia to beat him at everything. :)

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