a spoonful of random...

miss priss and the most obnoxious laugh in the world

written at 8:39 p.m. on 06.11.03
Whoa whoa whoa! Guess who got the "add an entry" box in one click only? ME! Guess how many times I clicked yesterday? Over 300! I was so pissed, and by the time I finally got to this little box, I was involved in a convo with Christen, and I just gave up. That's right. I had the opportunity to entertain millions, and I gave it up. Bwa ha ha. I'd hate to be one of you suckers who is addicted to my gloriousness. Ahh..

Ok, but seriously, ... Let's take a walk through my day today, shall we? Or more like a jog, cuz I'm not in the mood to write a fifty-page novel today, k?

Let's start with this morning. I woke up out of a rather interesting dream--the contents of which is none of your beeswax--at about 9:30am. (My mom woke me to say that she was leaving for work, and that I needed to be ready by 12:15 if I wanted transportation to work.) I fell back asleep and rewoke up at 10:30, when, much to my dismay, it was super-bright in my room, due to some serious sunlightage, and I was forced to get out of bed or else wind up with a sunburn. Yes, I probably would get sunburned through the window, I'm that pale. (For those of you who don't know me, I'm practically albino. I have cousins who actually ARE albino.) OK, back to the important part.. my day.

So, after grumping around my room for a few minutes (grumping = a mix between frumping, or slouching, and being terribly cranky and grumpy), I found that I could not ignore my stomach's protests any longer. I therefore plodded downstairs. I opened the pantry door, and I was greeted with emptiness. Yes, our pantry is bare. Isn't there a nursery rhyme about bare cupboards? Don't answer that question please. I just know that somebody will try to quote it in my guestbook or something. NO MORE HAPPY RANDOM GUESTBOOK SIGNING WEEK SPAM, OK?! I THEN FEEL OBLIGATED TO SIGN YOUR GUESTBOOK TOO, WHICH REQUIRES CLICKING THE MOUSE, WHICH IS GOING TO GIVE ME CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME!! SO KNOCK IT OFF!

OK, I'm back. Sooo, back to the bare pantry situation. See, all the food had to be moved to my brother's room so that the hardwood floors could be installed and stuff and so that the food didn't get all sawdusty and stuff. But the refrigerator has the usual nothingness stocked in it, so I opened it up and grabbed a toaster struedel thingy out and had that for breakfast. yumm.. But, as you have probably guessed, there would be no time for lunch between breakfast at 10:30 and leaving at 12:15. So, I told my stomach to shut up, and I moved on with my life.

On a total side note--as if I haven't had enough of them already--the toxic fumes from the floors killed all the bugs in the house, cuz, well, duh, it's toxic.. But anywho, the cobwebs in the basement all got knocked down because of the pounding on the above floor, so all these dead bugs and cobwebs are hanging down in the basement. It's cool/gross all in one. And cobweb is a hard word for me to type today. I kept trying to type cowbew or something. Stupid brain of mine.

OK, back to my day, which obviously isn't that interesting, or I wouldn't keep thinking of other things to talk about, but that's another irrelevant sentence. So, after the exciting adventure of capturing, slaughtering, roasting, and decorating my breakfast, I realized a very sad fact. I hadn't showered in... in a long time. So, I plodded back up the same lovely stairs that I earlier plodded down, and I took a shower. No details are necessary there. After showering, I realized another very sad fact. I don't own nice-looking clothes. Until I get my official New Life Bookstore shirt ordered, I have to "dress appropriately," which is in between dressed up and school dress code. No jeans, no sandals, so basically no skirts, cuz shoes generally look dumb with skirts... So khakis and dress pants. How sad is that. And I don't own enough nice-looking, short-sleeved collared shirts to make it through five days without repeating. I can't believe that I just spent that much time talking about clothes. Please pity me. I'm getting sucked into something evil.

Back to my day. Let's speed things up, for your sake and mine. I found an outfit, I didn't have time to blow-dry my hair, so I just threw it up, not caring that it looked like crap, and I went to work.

Let me slow down long enough to describe some of the interesting people I got to help today. One lady came in with like no time to spare and asked for a book that she had special-ordered. It wasn't on the shelf where it was supposed to be. I asked everybody where it might be, and everyone flipped out. Especially the lady. She kept looking at her watch and telling me that "It'd be nice if you could hurry, cuz I have somewhere to be." Well, she was polite and all, and seemed very nice, and I honestly felt bad that the store is so disorganized sometimes, but seriously, why the crap would you come into a store with like two milliseconds of time and expect us to cater to your lateness?!?! Good gravy. I hope I never mistreat another cashier again. Oh, and this chik, about 16-17 years old walks in with two guy friends of hers, about the same age. Now, they immediately head back to the Veggie Tales section, and I soon forget about them. Fifteen minutes later, they are still wandering around the store, and the chik has a cell-phone plastered to her head, in what seemed like the ever-popular "I have a cell phone so I'm oh-so-cool (but shh, my parents pay for it)" look. Anywho, I'm only noticing her again b/c she's laughing. Not any ordinary laugh, mind you. An obnoxious giggle.. it seemed to never end. Fifteen minutes LATER she finally decides to check out, but not before making her final performance. She finally puts the cell phone down, and heads over to check out, but then she realizes that boy-tag-along#1 is missing. Oh no. Couldn't check out without him. So, off she scampers, giggling with boy-tag-along#2 the whole time. Five agonizing minutes later, she reappears at the cash-register with both boys in tow. In the middle of her putting her purchases on the counter, boy-tag-along#2 disappears this time. She didn't notice him wandering, but she did notice him being gone. Heck, why would you want to check out with only one tag-along at a time? It would be positively horendous, an insane violation of brat-ettiquette rule #406.p.i.n.k. If this is you that I'm talking about, then close this screen immediately, pinch yourself, and pretend that this was all a dream. So, to make a short story long, she finally got both boys to stand with her while she made a five-minute ordeal out of checking out... checking out her purchases and the employee behind the register (not me, in case you're wondering.) Anyway, when she finally left, Frank (one of the employees, not the one who rang up Miss Priss) said what I had been thinking all along..."Very distinctive laugh."

Fast forwarding through the rest of my day, cuz I'm getting tired of the color scheme of Diaryland, which should be customizable, ... Oh yes, I got home, went back at six o'clock or so to pick up my mom from a wake that she and her colleagues had attended after work, and then went with her to Panera, while my brother and dad went to McDonalds.

I basically spent the rest of the time playing Bookworm at Yahoo, cuz I'm super-good at it and got a super-high score that I have now forgotten... And I smoked a chocolate cigarette on the way home from Panera, just for looks. I'm pretty good at faking it too. I got a lot of weird looks from the motherly types, like "Why are you smoking, young lady?!"

Anywho, my fingers are about to fall off, so to prevent that from happening, I will stop writing. That would actually be quite a tragedy if my fingers fell off, cuz then I wouldn't be able to wear "the ring" on my finger, I would have to keep it permanently on a chain around my neck. But that's where it was on Frodo most of the time too, so it wouldn't be OH-so-horrible. Though, it would interfere with my Arwen necklace... Ah, the things I would buy if I had money... but first, a SUPERGOLD MEMBERSHIP FOR FIFTY-SOME ODD DOLLARS!! AACK!!

I'm off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz!!

:: before :: after