a spoonful of random...

he's gone

written at 6:57 p.m. on 06.06.03
Wow, I'm on my brother's laptop right now, sitting in a hotel. His laptop is set to 1024x768, and I realized that the design on cookie-d ends up stretching to show part of an airplane in the background, and it looks kinda dumb. I mean, the whole picture altogether is awesome, but it definitely wasn't supposed to be in the design. OH well. And it looks like I'm gonna have to make people host their own pictures, cuz I don't think Geocities will allow me to share that pic with everyone. :(

Umm, oh yeah. You are probably wondering about why I'm in a hotel... or maybe you aren't, but you are now, right? Ok, well, the varnish that is being put on the hardwood floors that are now installed lets off toxic fumes. Yes, they are toxic. So, my family and I are stuck at a hotel for the next couple of days to avoid getting killed by (dun dun dun) the HARDWOOD FLOORS!! Aack! Run for your lives! Oh, but hardwood floors can't run! Ha! Anywho... we can't get into our house except for certain hours of the day when the sealer/varnish-coat-of-the-day wears off to a less toxic level. At this point, we end up dashing in to grab a day's worth of clothes and a couple snacks. Furthermore, the stupid hotels in Crystal Lake were kinda booked on such short notice, so, though we'll be in the same hotel every day, we have to switch rooms every day, so we have to carry our belongings everywhere we go inbetween check out hours and check-back-in hours. Is this making any sense? Didn't think so.

He's gone, as of today. :( I'm trying not to cry, and I'll probably be ok until school starts back up next year. I mean, I don't normally see school people in the summer anywho, so it won't seem so different, but without him running up and down the halls being obnoxiously loud, ... it'll be different. Then I'll really start to notice the little things, like him not being at my locker every day, or singing in my ear in choir, or not being there to nag me about not writing him back. Sigh..

But enough sap and crap. That would be a cool name for a store. Welcome to Sap and Crap. Speaking of stores, today was my second day of work. WHAT IS IT WITH PEOPLE BUYING GREETING CARDS TODAY? There are a couple of things that don't scan with the little scanner, and greeting cards fall into this category. So, it shouldn't be surprising that the one thing that EVERY customer bought today was at least one stupid greeting card. Oh, and people who know me are aware that I hate talking on the phone. So, guess who had to call 10 people about special orders? ME! Guess how many times I got to say, "Hi, NAME HERE, this is Rachel from New Life Bookstore calling to let you know that your special order is in, and you can come pick it up any time this week! Thanks!" TOO MANY TIMES!! Oh well. Oh, and I got to dust and vacuum a little bit, which reminded me WAY to much of my old job.. Bleck.

OK, well, I'm off to work on that cast page. The next person alphabetically is Bob the Snail, or at least a small little blurb explaining what/who he is. Yeah... bwa ha ha. Then Chris and Christen I'll probably do next time I'm online, which may be a while.

I'm off to see the wizard. I think maybe I'll give him a little kiss today, for being such a good sport and being in a lot of my entries... haha. I'm sure the only one to fully understand what I say is me.

"Sir, may I have your phone number please?"---"Eh.. how much did you say?"---"No, no. May I have your PHONE number please?"---"My what?"---"YOUR PHONE NUMBER."---"Oh, umm... ... ... ...815-555-5555"---"Thank you. Your total comes to $12.34. .."---"What did you say?"---"Your total is $12.34."---"I still can't hear you."---"TWELVE THIRTY FOUR, SIR!"---"Oh."
me and the oldest, most deaf man i've ever shouted at

P.S. I'm too lazy to add another entry, but I just updated the cast page, so now you can find Allison, Bob the Snail, and Chris. Those links should go to their little blurb on the cast page, if the html works... hahahahaha, yeah, I hate html right now.

:: before :: after