a spoonful of random...

one day and counting

written at 4:06 p.m. on 06.05.03
Ok, so I'm in the process of making a cast page, so let me see if this works: Allison is the first person on the page, cuz I'm going by order of the alphabet. Hopefully, that link should take you to the cast page, right to Allison. I'm learning so many little HTML tricks! Oh, I put up my first design at cookie-d today. It's kinda frustrating, cuz the weblog style kinda gets annoying to mess with. But, that is what will hopefully work best in the long run.

Ok, well, I'm not gonna be able to finish this, cuz the Polish people are using the varnish or something, which has toxic fumes, so the pets have to go to be boarded, and I have to stay at a hotel for a little while. Maybe I'll go swimming or something. First of all, I need a shower, so pardon me while I end this crappy update and go shower.

By the by, feel free to comment on anything positive or negative about the cookie-d design, if you go look at it. If the picture doesn't load, please let me know, cuz I'll need to store my pictures somewhere besides Geocities and Angelfire. Thanks!!

One day and counting. :(

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