a spoonful of random...

I crown myself queen of boredom

written at 8:26 p.m. on 05.04.03
There's so much comedy on television. Does that cause comedy in the streets?
Dick Cavett, mocking the TV-violence debate

So, I find myself completely and utterly bored. Speaking of udders, I was just laughing to myself at this little thing on leslieirene's diary. (She has way too many banners, and I always get suckered into clicking on them cuz they're always new. In reality, her diary does not interest me very much at all, no offense to her.) Anywho, this link on her diary that made me chuckle is one of those "imood" things, where your current mood is displayed with a little face and a description. (For example, hers was :| pain... with a real "smiley" not a text one.) So anywho, it hit me that you could read the link as I moo(e)d. Like a cow "moo." It's spelled wrong, but it sounds the same, and is furthermore way more amusing.

I remain in my state of boredom, wishing to depart to the state of Texas or Virginia, but being stranded forever... lonely, cold, and failing English class. Speaking of which, I still need to finish my homework. I will stop being drawn to DiaryLand and will return to the mundane task of... (dun dun dun)... work.

Ta ta for now!

I love work; it fascinates me; I can sit and watch it for hours.
Jerome K. Jerome

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