a spoonful of random...

aardvark - a burrowing, ant-eating African mammal

written at 4:18 p.m. on 03.05.03
You know, I sit here at my desk wondering why I'm writing this. The last time that I updated this little diary thing, I got numerous complaints. Now, I'm just a tad bit offended about that. I spent three hours coming with a masterpiece (press the "back in the day" button to see it), and all I get is a bunch of crap from people who call themselves my friends.

Speaking of friends, I think I've become an abnoxious self-absorbed jerk who scares off all my friends. I've been getting a lot of glares from people, or just plain "I thought we were friends" looks, and also a lot of fake-laughing. :( Or maybe people need a break from the lameness once in a while. Sigh.

My dad might lose his job cuz his division of Kemper got sold to some Swiss company. If he keeps his job or is in some way employed by this Swiss company, he said we'd get to go to Switzerland twice a year...but I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. If he loses his job, we'll probably move, and quite possibly to Virginia. Unless I decide to go to college in Texas, then we'd probably move there. Virginia has beaches and potentially a friend if Kyle moves there too, but Texas has relatives...and relatives. Alright, I'm not too hip on my parents moving to Texas so they can be close to me and the rest of my mom's family, cuz though I love them and all, I'm kinda looking forward to being on my own and way far away. Oh well, what happens, happens. I'm just doing a lot of praying and this is really something I'm just gonna have to give up to God cuz I'm obviously a lot less qualified to make this kind of decision..

This is a very morose entry isn't it? Maybe it's the extremely satiating cinammon rolls I had for breakfast today. I think six of them was too many. It made me cranky to think how fat I was getting. I know what you're thinking--cranky on a snow day? Yes, it is totally possible. Not cranky though, sedate is a better word. Unperky. I need a bigger vocabulary. I also need to learn how to type, for as I was trying to type "bigger," I found myself typing "beggar." Another legitimate word, but it wouldn't produce quite the effect that the impressive word "bigger" had.

Yeah, let me discuss my complete satisfaction this morning as I woke up at 7:00 and realized it must be a snow day. :) (For those of you who are a tid bit confuzzled, I leave at 6:50 to get to school.) Then the little thought popped into my mind that maybe my clock was once again rebelling and telling me the wrong time. Maybe that little pessimistic thought set the tone for my day. Maybe it's just the fact that I hate snow, no matter how many days of school it cancels. It's great to sled in, but I want it to come and go on command. I should be able to specify "24 inches of snow on Tuesday" and voila, I'll get 24 inches of snow. Then I would say "0 inches of snow left by Wednesday and 84 degrees with sunshine" and *poof* it would happen. Something for the creators of the Sims to think about. I love the control that game offers, but there is absolutely no control over the weather, which--blandly--doesn't change ever. Except in vacation mode...bah!..I want to be empress of the universe!!

This is going to be a lengthy entry... Ah screw it, it already is a lengthy entry. Now what will make my day officially craptacular would be the following scenario: I finish babbling, and then I click the "done!" button only to find that Andrew's server is picking its nose and refuses to stop to add my entry to the database. I would scream bloody murder. And then I would laugh evilly. Why? because I am smart enough to select all the text in my entry and press ctrl+C to copy the text so in case it gets erased, I'm safe! Bwa ha ha. I will NOT be outsmarted by something with a power button!! I am the ultimate power button! THAT MADE NO SENSE!! ENOUGH EXCLAMATION POINTS!!

Ha, that reminds me of my pen-pal in Hong Kong. She impressed me by responding to my Christmas Card with a little note written in English. Her English was fairly decent, considering how different English letters and Chinese (?) symbols are. Anyway, what reminded me of her was the fact that at the end of every "sentence" was one or two exclamation points. I use the word "sentence" delicately, for her sentences were often things like: 'Hi! How are you!! I am 16! too!! Happy! God bless!! Happy!

Yeah, I don't think she knows that I'm not 16, but heck, I'm not gonna break her heart and tell her that I'm a whopping 17 and that she'd better recognize!! Yeah, anyway, I'm off to ponder what would improve my mood. Ok, no pondering needed, chocolate is the answer, but I will leave regardless. Ta ta for now!! Tee Hee Hee. *snort snort giggle snort gasp snort oink*

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