a spoonful of random...

my day - a super-long entry, beware

written at 5:41 p.m. on 01.16.03
Am I the only one who is completely frustrated with the increasing amount of annoying banners for "Gold Members"? I have only found one good diary that way...puppett.diaryland.com (I think...check out my profile to double-check that.)

Anywho, I'm extremely bored, cuz I'm supposed to be studying for a history test tomorrow. Whaddya know, I don't feel like studying. In fact, I'm not gonna!! How rebellious of me.

Let's take a waltz through my day so far. Why? ...well, why not? Yeah, that was brilliant, wasn't it? Right..

Ok, 5:45 am - alarm clock rings. well, not rings, more like makes-the-most-annoying-sound-in-the-world (see Dumb&Dumber to see Jim Carey's exact replication of the sound my alarm clock makes..."You wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world? Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"). Ok, still 5:45 am - I slap the snooze button and go back to sleep.

5:54 am - alarm clock re-"rings" (why nine minutes instead of ten? I'll never know.) this time, I slap the snooze button and kinda roll around a bit.. and then sleep.

6:00 am - my mom comes in and says "Are you up yet?" of course, by this time, I'm sitting up in bed staring at her, very tempted to say, "No, I'm still sleeping, stupid." But I resist the temptation and groan out a "YES!!!! --good gravy--mumble-mumble..grr."

6:10 - actually make it out of my nice warm bed into the craptacularly cold of my practically-unheated house. I walk into the bathroom with it's freezing-cold floors and look in the mirror. I congratulate myself on having the brains to take a shower the night before. I'm too tired to care about showering at this point in the morning always. But then I come to the awful realization that while the majority of my hair dried straight, the back has a bump in it. not lots of waves, just one. Like when you put ur hair in a ponytail and it gets a bump. But this was mega-sized and annoying. Out comes the hair straightener.

6:40 - I have been straightening for a heck of a long time and making little process. When my hair decides to have a wave, it will wave. The only thing that will stop it from this wavy-rebellion is if I decide I like it that way. Then it falls out immediately and looks like crap in some other form. I hate intelligent hair. It is at this time in the morning that I realize I have 5 minutes til I have to leave, so I poke some contacts onto my eyeballs, paint some mascara on my eyelashes, and dash into my room to throw on some clothes, since pajamas are unfortunately out of school dress code.

6:47 - come flailing out the door to dump my backpack in the trunk and hop into the DRIVER's seat of the car. yay. Wait, no yay, cuz I'm butt-freezing cold, and I haven't had time to put on socks or a jacket. The shirt I decided to wear 7 minutes ago is short-sleeved. Drat. Oh well, my dad has a train to catch. Must go.

6:50 - arrive at the White Hen parking lot where I drop off my dad where he can walk to the train station (it's really hard to get out of the train station and go the direction I need to go in order to pick up Kevin Bock.)

7:00 - arrive at Holiday Inn parking lot to pick up Kevin. yay now, cuz the car finally warmed up.

7:30 - get to school and kick Brynn in the shoe. It's tradition. I started to talk to her, but Zach interrupted to say, "I'm here." Those two and a half words changed my plans. I traversed towards my locker and go my math books. Zach interrupted again: "Mr. Severson has to use the bathroom, so we'll have to use a different class room this morning." Me: "what?" Zach: "Mr. Severson has a meeting or something in the math room, so we can just use Mr. Marsh's room. He has a nice white board." Me: "oh, ok. I thought you said that Severson had to use the bathroom and... i .. was ....yeah."

7:45 - ran out of questions for Zach. I came outside to discover that there wasn't really anyone to talk to who I wouldn't be interrupting. Darn. My decision: butt in to Kristina and Allison's conversation. I think this is the second day in a row I've done that. I'm sorry guys. :( We talked about harmonicas and bands and Texas. Mostly about Texas I think. I'm confusing the conversations in my brain.

*Note: If you are still reading this, I love you. You are cool. I am cooler, however, because I am writing an extremely long entry. Appreciate me.

First period - Accounting (I don't know the times of all my classes, so I'll just title them like that until I get to the end of the school day.) - Kristina and I talked about ID tags, again. And about Grace being in court today and how sad science would be for me then. Then Mrs. Schwartz shushed us as usual. Grr. Took prayer requests, prayed, and then the next 43 minutes I spent plowing through the most boring work in the world: journaling and posting. Oh yeah, I also decided I'm gonna look into something besides accounting for a profession...like journalism. Kristina and I decided that accounting is getting more and more boring, and that we need a debate team.

Second period - British Literature: Talked to Allison about how my mom bogusly decided to go to Texas without me, though I just concluded that on a post-it note I found on her placemate. More talk of Texas. Oh yeah, some Hamlet in there too. I hate Polonius sometimes. I appreciate having a part, but I liked the Queen better...she didn't talk like a freak. Oh well. I think Polonius dies anywho.

Passing period: went to go get food from my locker, but realized i couldn't eat food in classes anymore thanks to this stupid new-ish rule. My stomach growled in protest, but I knew I must move on. Oh yeah, and I was talking to Allison for some time, until I decided I was gonna be late if i didn't start walking to my locker. And it is then that Allison and Shannon ditched me and made a bee-line for Chemistry like it was important to them or something. :( Just kidding, I'm not all that offended.

Third period - Chemistry: Jupp babbled and I failed his test thing. Stupid Jupp. Dane was freakish and so was Guy. Guy: "1,2 buckle my shoe, 5,6 pick up sticks, 7,8...umm.." Dane: "ma...heh, n/m." Me:"haha." Guy:"what? What? ::tap tap tap tap tap tap on my shoulder:: what did he say?" Me:"grr. he said ma..." This is just a taste of the insanity. Oh and Dane kept throwing some sharp looking pliers across the aisle and every time he threw them, bethany walked by and almost got stabbed. it was amusing. only because she didn't get stabbed though.

*another note: congratulations, i'm not nearly done, and ur still reading.

Passing period: rebelliously ate a cookie to sooth my now thoroughly-aggravated (not irritated, that's incorrect grammar) stomach.

Fourth period - Christian Doctrine: Mr. Marsh showed a clip of the movie with the pyschadelic Jesus who doesn't blink. If I wasn't a Christian, I'd be freaked out if that was my first time being exposed to Jesus. All i can say is "freaky." Oh yeah, Dane dissed Marcie and Marcie threw a Kleenex box at Jordan. Exciting huh..NOT. But Kristina always saves the day with an interesting question. Go Knia!

Passing period: shoved a piece of gum in my mouth knowing full well I'd have to spit it out in two minutes

Fifth period - Chamber Choir: Managed to escape Mr. Jeffrey's hawk eyes and kept my gum for a long time. Yay. I also remembered to bring my music back to school today. I took it home to practice and consequently didn't have it at school the last couple of days, which meant I had to share...and that makes people cranky. Oh, Kyle showed up too. I guess he was sick in the morning.

Lunch - yum.

Halfway through lunch - I feel like throwing up. Bleck.

Sixth period - American History: Play a stupid review game. Stupid because I never knew when it was my turn cuz Jonathan wouldn't shut up and so i couldn't hear, Kari was singing non-stop, and they weren't nice songs, and I still felt like throwing up. If the switch of tenses between present and past is confusing you, well, I understand, cuz it's confusing me too. I can't help it however, so deal with it.

Seventh period - Precalculus: Mr. Severson whacked himself with a ruler that he was swinging back in forth in front of his face like a metronome. This was definitely the highlight of my day. HHHHHHAaaahahahahaha. So funny. Forget the sad news that we're getting a new math teacher who reminds me of Mr. Zuelke and who is altogether annoying cuz his name sounds like Smeagol and he's gonna make me learn math when I'm not in the mood.

Eighth period - Choir: Mr. Jeffrey licked his fingers while he was walking in the room, and he consequently began playing the piano. He later asked me to play piano. I made a big deal out of it and told him I wanted my salary doubled for having to put up with such grossities. He obviously has never heard this saying before, because he found it highly amusing. (two times zero is still zero.) Anywho, he also decided to prove that he cannot count by skipping a beat for like the fourth day in a row in the same place of the same song and i got frustrated and threw my music to the floor. this is how i ended my day at school.

2:48 pm - got in car and commenced driving. Now this whole driving thing is highly amusing. Here is a brief synopsis of the hilarities i passed on the road today:

suv going 35mph on randall road, where the speed limit is 55mph. he seriously went 35mph at all times. it was like he had cruise control on or something. it was weird. so i, very frustrated trying to drive behind him, switched lanes and passed him.

two vehicles driving 60 mph side by side. they didn't move from this side by side position for a long time, so nobody could pass them. finally, the van sped up so we could pass the other car. i know 60 is still speeding, but today it felt slow.

(this is actually from yesterday, but it's hilarious.) white white white guy -think tim sceggel white. i can't spell his last name though.- and he was rapping in his car non-stop. his mouth never stopped and his head was bobbing insanely. on and on and on. weirdo. this went on for 15 minutes straight without a break before he turned off of randall. oh well, it was amusing while it lasted. except that my brother and kevin kept turning around to look at him, so i felt stupid.

ok, that's all that's happened so far today, except this entry and one of my cats whining nonstop, but that's not new. i hope this doesn't get erased, cuz i'm not rewriting it. i hope somebody read this. if you did, sign my guestbook and let me know. ur cool if u read this all. so super cool, there aren't even words in the english language to describe it. yeah, the end!! - rach

:: before :: after