a spoonful of random...

Happy New Year! Go 2003!

written at 12:18 a.m. on 01.01.03
OH!! I do believe I am the first one of anyone on my buddy list to update in the year 2003!! Go me! Doesn't this entry just scream at what a loner I must be, to be writing in my diary as one of the first things in the new year? Well...it's my choice that I stayed home this year. It's tradition to watch movies with my family, and since I told people at my church that I wouldn't go to their New Year's Eve Bash for the sake of tradition, I only thought it was fair to say the same thing to every other offer. Not that I get a lot of offers to hang out on New Year's Eve, but hey, it's a new year, why am I complaining?

I was gonna write my New Year's Resolutions here, but it became too long of a list. I did write a list though...and most of them are the same ones from last year, since I slacked off a lot.. oh well. Stop complaining, Rachel.

(Yes, one of my resolutions is to not complain... I'm still working on it.)

Well, I could babble on forever at this hour in the morning--or at any hour of the day or night for that matter. So, I must use my self-control (resolution number 200749) to stop writing in this entry. So...the end! And Happy New Year! Rock on 2003, I hope you are my favorite year yet! --The New and Improved Tiggersnail (a.k.a. Miss America 2003..you wait and see!!!!!!)

:: before :: after