a spoonful of random...

i burned my tongue...feliz navidad is stuck in my head....la la la

written at 8:47 p.m. on 11.05.02
For those of you who care, I have an account at blogger.com now, so you can read more ramblings at http://cookiecrumbs.blogspot.com (i think.) I was gonna update there first, but I'm loyal to this one. (Devoted from the BOTTOM of my heart, right Grace?) (And no that's not perverted, it's an inside joke, and you are outside, so booyah Gramma!!)

Alright, so yesterday I felt like throwing up. It wasn't fun. By seventh period I had to leave to go to the bathroom, which was thankfully deserted, though when I got there, I felt better anyway. It was weird. But Mr. Jeffrey let me sleep through choir anyway. Oddly enough, he was sick with the flu today, which is a whole different story.

I guess I could tell that story now. I have nothing else to babble about. First, some background information. I'm in chamber choir 5th hour and regular (a.k.a. annoying) choir 8th hour. So 5th hour I walk in and see a sub at Mr. J's desk, and my heart sinks...I always get stuck leading when he's gone, since I play piano and sing. Well, all was going well in chamber choir, cuz that's a pretty good group. And then a certain person kept trying to take over...it annoyed the heck out of me, and I started to lose my temper, but fortunately I stopped myself after I said "You know what, if you can play piano, then you can take over." I made myself act as if I had been joking, but I wasn't. So to make a long story short, the same person tried to do it again in 8th hour and I just bit my tongue and glared as discreetly as possible.

OOh, running club is so much fun. And fall fest was fun. I don't think I'd ever really talked to John much before that, but he's hilarious! I'm still looking forward to making some little kid eat a sponge-pill thing. This makes no sense to anyone except John, Shannon, and I, but I don't care.

Oh yeah, Josh, you suck for leaving. A. You didn't tell me. B. You didn't say goodbye. C. You're acting all vague about it. D. You didn't come to youth group. but E. I luv ya anyway, even if your dad has a fascination with beating on me at church..lol

Sigh, I burnt my tongue on hot chocolate about an hour ago, but it still feels funny. And it will feel funny tomorrow too. I HATE BURNT TASTE BUDS!!! Have you ever looked at your tongue after you burnt it? Your taste buds look weird. Remember to look next time you stupidly drink hot liquids too fast. I was just really thirsty and we ran out of whipped cream which i always use to cool it down (and to add funness and flavor). Well, I quit cuz my hand fell asleep due to poor circulation due to lack of exercise due to LAZINESS!! THE END!!

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