a spoonful of random...

pudding, ribbon, hate, and drugs...can you fell the tension people?

written at 9:36 p.m. on 09.29.02
well then. i just added an entry that got deleted. fun fun. so let me retype what i just wrote. from now on, before i press save, i'm gonna copy it, and then if it doesn't work i can paste the same stuff over again.. smart huh? i'm on drugs. yay. moral of homecoming weekend? don't stay outside for prolonged periods of time (a.k.a. bonfires) when you are sleepy and sneezy. why? because you WILL get SICK!

oh i saw this HIGH-larious commercial on tv today that i'm sure everyone else has already seen, but oh well. i think it's for carson's. ok, so this guy is trying to decide if it's ok to wear the same shirt two days in a row (he likes the shirt a lot). eventually he decides it's ok to do that if you don't see the same people on both days. and then (here's the best part), he smiles to himself and goes, "ha, i just found a loop-hole in an unwritten rule!"

i don't know about you, but that just made my day. maybe you have to be me to laugh at that... and that's ok by me. cuz i am cookie, and you are not! oh, christen, i found our note from history, and since you got to write up the one from me and jess, i'm writing up this one. bwa ha ha. so here goes everyone: (note: this is a spoof of real-life incidences experienced by Christen and I, so don't expect to understand this, becuase you are OUTSIDE THE INSIDE JOKES!!)

&Christen $Rachel

& Rachel, what's wrong? Do you hate me? You never talk to me anymore!! Why aren't you my friend? I can't think of anymore questions to ask you...? w/b!

$ No I don't hate you! I've just been busy! I've always been bad at .. prioritizing! Umm.. alright it's true.. I HATE YOU!!

& You do?!?! But why?!?! WHY?!?!

$ *sniff* Because my pudding eats purple ribbon!!

& But we've already talked about that, and remember? It's not your problem. It's the ribbon's problem and it'll have to work it out.

$ Butt, butt...the ribbon keeps asking for advice! I wasn't even involved until the stupid ribbon decided it wasn't gutsy enough to confront the pudding.

& You could talk to the pudding, maybe. But don't get involved with it! And plus we're drifting off the subject of if you hate me or not!


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