a spoonful of random...

ready for reddy freddy? go juniors and color day...

written at 9:32 p.m. on 09.24.02
alright this is pure torture...i want to read everyone's diaries, but then i won't have time to write. plus, lauren's on and i'd rather be talking to her than writing this, since i NEVER GET TO SEE HER ANYMORE CUZ THE SKOOL IS BEING ALL RETARDED ABOUT HAVING FRIENDS OUTSIDE OF THE SKOOL!!!!!! rrgh. that was a nice vent. another thing that's pissing me off...touched by an angel is the sappiest show on earth! my mom insists on watching it during dinner and rrgh it is all crying-weeping-snotting stuff. stupid show. where's the comedy i ask of you?!

You know what? Chicken butt. If you are bored, be a banana. Maybe you'd be of better use to the world that way..hahahaha. "Your hair just keeps thinning and thinning and thinning and OPE it's gone!" hehe, commercials are so stupid. They need a channel just for commercials, and I would listen to it just to laugh. "What would you think about yourself? HAIR! Call 1-800-HAIR911"

Well I gotta go because the pudding is interfering with my pencil...or maybe it's the other way around. CAN YOU TELL I'M TIRED?!?!?!?!?! Good gravy!!! BAD gravy too!!! GOOD NIGHT AND DON'T LET THE BED BUGS BITE!!!!

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