a spoonful of random...

REMINDER: Lysol my lockers to avoid the plague

written at 9:18 p.m. on 09.13.02
Wow, I must say it is good to be back! Spiffy points to those fans who have patiently awaited this update..I hope to never go 12 days without updating ever again. Actually, if you think about it, that's not that long... But I understand that you (yes you) depend on this for entertainment, so please accept my apologies.

Well, I think that Allison and Kristina have effectively covered the issues with dress code (and skool in general), so I must find another topic to write about. Alright, how pathetic is this...I'm sitting in my room in front of my computer, and now I will stand up and with three giant steps, I'm in my brother's room. What is he doing? IMing me. What will I do when I get back to my room? IM him back. We're three steps away from each other, nobody else is really online, and we're IMing each other...sigh. Screw the traditional going out on Friday night, I'll stay at home and IM my brother...YAY!!!

Now some of you are pea-green with jealousy, because you are thinking..YOU GET TO TALK TO THAT COOL KID, ADAM SANKEY? CAN YOU GET HIS AUTOGRAPH FOR ME? WHAT IS HE WEARING? DO YOU GET TO WATCH HIM EAT? WHAT TOOTHPASTE DOES HE USE??? Well get over it. Just becuase he's apparently the cooler, more popular Sankey doesn't mean that he's cool or popular at home. In fact, this is what you usually hear: ADAM, PLEASE go to the basement if you want to talk to yourself. ADAM, please sing an octave lower, you're higher than the backstreet boys, you're skaring me. ADAM, SHUT UP!!!! MOM!!!! ADAM'S BEING AN IDIOT; HE WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!! GO AWAY!!!!

So, stop liking my brother!! He's a retard! Remember me? Your original friend? Rachel? Yeah? WELL I'M STILL ALIVE IF YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED!!!

Ha, that was my little fake rant. If I was ever seriously paranoid of being outdone by my brother, I would not write about it in my diary. And poo on all you people who have diaries and won't tell me what they are (MALLORY AND KATE!!), not to mention any names...

I seriously cannot wait til I get my liscence!! Poor Liz Wertz tries to play music that makes everyone happy, but Kevin (Bock), Adam, and I all like punk/alternative kinda stuff, not ghetto rap. I feel bad, cuz I think she feels compelled to get new CD's for the morning ride.. since it is a long haul from Cary (NOT GARY, INDIANA PEOPLE!!). So anywho, when I get my liscence, I will be able to play the CD's EYE like everyday. (How do you capitalize I to emphasize it when it already is capitalized? Besides spelling it wrong that is..)

This is gonna have to do for an update for now, cuz I have a splitting headache. Blast those Canadian ribbon-makers, their lip-gloss tastes like purple.


P.S. This wasn't part of the original entry, but it is now. The word of the day is SO totally me, that I just have to add it on:

spoonerism . SPOO-nuh-rih-zum . (noun) : a transposition of usually initial sounds of two or more words

Example sentence: Everyone burst out laughing when Marco tried to order his lunch with the spoonerism, "I'd like to have a chilled greese," instead of "I'd like to have a grilled cheese."

Did you know?

Pity poor William Archibald Spooner (1844-1930). That British clergyman and educator often had to speak in public, but he was a nervous man and his tongue frequently got tangled up. So he would say things like "a blushing crow" when he meant "a crushing blow." Spooner's letter reversals became the stuff of legend (and undoubtedly gave his listeners many a laugh), and by 1900 his name had inspired the term for that particular variety of public-speaking gaffe.

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