a spoonful of random...

new year's quiz and nosilla

written at 5:32 p.m. on 2002-05-10
alright all, before i say too much, allison introduced me to this interesting link and this is what i ended up with... take the quiz to understand.

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz

yeah, so that's what i've done today so far, besides school and a violin/flute/piano group that i'm in practiced after skool and that's it.

RANDOM THOUGHT OF THE DAY: who the heck is stupid enough to believe that mrs. sese-seko or whatever from zaire emailed them and wants to wire them millions of dollars? good gravy.

RIDDLE OF THE DAY (13, riddlenut.com): whoa, this one's corny, beware....What kind of cheese is made backwards?

ANSWER:EDAM cheese (made backwards is edam)

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: allison may, the empress of randomness and my hero. visit her diary at idiosyncraty.diaryland.com. she's even cool enough to shave her head b/c her grandpa's going through chemotherapy. yeah, she's my inspiration, and also a member of the "backstage girls" club. nothing to do the w/ the stupid bsb's. ick. yeah that's nosilla for ya.


Rating: 2.74


I was writin' a song for you, but instead of writin' the words, I wrote your name all over the paper, and when I got done I looked at the paper and saw your name, and started making out with the notebook.

wow, that's pathetic. hmm, well that's all for now. rock on, fellow classical musicians...until the polka kills me...haha, no sense to be found here :) bwa ha ha. hmm the end. -tiggersnail

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