a spoonful of random...

torso track trauma

written at 9:42 p.m. on 03.18.04
So, it's been one heck of a week. A lot has happened, but little can be told. I hate keeping secrets, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

I can say that my stomach is in much pain. I rediscovered the "Torso Track," a distant cousin of the "Ab Roller" and other similar machines. These machines are apparently designed with the intent of ripping apart your stomach muscles, chewing them to pieces, and gluing them back together with hot glue. The people on the commercials look happy and thin. False advertising is apparently still legal.

I was skimming over someone's diary today, and I found that at the bottom of his entry, he linked back to the entry he had written on the same day the previous year. That has inspired me to go back in time to dig up whatever mischief I was getting into one year ago. Let's see...

One year ago (actually, on March 10), I wrote this entry about how I almost cried when my horrid math teacher yelled at me. At this point in my life, I was stressed out, probably because I hadn't discovered the gloriousness of capitalization. Hmm. The shift key was so dusty back then. The building I had deja vu about in that entry was just mentioned by someone the other day during play practice. I immediately thought of the deja vu experience when I heard of the store's name. So creepy. I bet that happened on March 10th, too, since it was sometime last week. Creepy. Really creepy.

I heard that my private Christian high school might actually allow dancing at "formal" this year. ("Formal" is our version of prom.) It might actually be fun, since the theme is "Putt'n on the Ritz," so everything is jazzy and all about big band music. I'm so pyshced for a night of Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, .. GOOD MUSIC!

This might sound selfish, but I plan to spend Spring Break entirely focusing on myself. Ok, not only does it sound selfish, it IS selfish. I don't care. I want to spend the whole week relaxing, primping, shopping, sexifying, and in general, boosting my self-esteem while simultaneously having the time of my life. However, the parental units might not allow such behavior to carry on for more than an hour or two, so I'll probably end up cleaning my room.. still..


I just thought of a million things I should be doing, including ripping apart some more abdominal muscles with the intent of creating a sculpted body. Being pretty isn't easy. I know. Trust me. I'm the most gorgeousest thing you ever laid eyes on. (Grammatical errors everywhere! Gah!) As Melody would say, "I R Sexy." Yes, good times with Melody.

You know, I just realized that I wrote an entry that never showed up. I must have updated right as the mother was turning off the internet. I did go with Shannon to see LOTR for the fifth time, and I was in heaven. I'm going with my dad to see it this weekend, and then I only have ONE time left before I reach my goal of seven. And you thought it couldn't be done. Bwa ha ha.

Enough babbles for now. The end.

:: before :: after