a spoonful of random...

post-formal update

written at 10:04 p.m. on 04.24.04
Well, I'm still a little sleepy-eyed from the big night last night, but I think I can manage to type out an entry of sorts.

I guess I'll just start by going through my day yesterday, in typical boring, day-blog style.

Yesterday was supposed to be an AP Calculus day. This means that all six Calculus students spend the entire morning in the church library working on Calculus and gorging on snacks. AP days are infamous for being more focused on what food to bring than what work needs to be done.

Anyway, I had to skip out of first and second period of AP day activities to take two obnoxious tests. The AP English test I wound up having to take home because it was sooo obnoxiously long, and I'm sooo obnoxiously slow at writing. (I'm a perfectionist, so I'm slow at a lot of things. Wouldn't want the handwriting to get sloppy or the grammar to get out of hand.) The second test was a Bible test which actually took me two periods to complete. I really didn't get much done the second period I was taking it, cuz I was sitting out in the hall, talking away with Ally (also taking the test) and anyone else who wandered by and fell into my trap.

That was pretty boring so far.

AP Calculus was pretty boring too. Well, it was pretty entertaining when Allison and Matt went to go make the Pillsbury cinnamon rolls (an AP tradition that I started). Usually, I make the cinnamon rolls, since I know what I'm doing. I used to make these things every week at my house over the summer, apparently intent on getting super-fat in a hurry.

Well, Allison and Matt--in an effort to please Brian, who likes his rolls slightly on the doughy side--left the cinnamon rolls in for approximately two minutes. Ok, slight exaggeration, but still. These rolls were basically still dough. Even Brian wouldn't eat them. The whole thing was a fiasco, since all the homemade bread products were really doughy and nasty for some reason. Maybe our school should rethink having a Home Ec course. The watermelon was good, though. I had a lot of that, since I was always thinking about having to fit into my dress later that day.

School let out at noon, so that all the people who were going to Formal could go beautify themselves. I went home and spent an hour playing piano, since I figured it would be my last time playing for a while. (In order to play properly, it is essential to have short nails. I knew I was going to get my nails done, so.. that explains that.)

My hair appointment was at 2pm, and my nails were scheduled at 3pm. The two salons were right next to each other, and each appointment was supposed to be an hour long. Yeah, that worked out smoothly.

Well, the hair appointment took half of an hour. It was a semi-awkward thirty minutes, since I have only been a customer in a real hair salon once before, and that was when I got my hair chopped off in third grade for twin day. (Why I cut off my long, long hair for something as stupid as twin day will forever boggle my mind.) Anyway, I had nooo idea what I was supposed to do or say, so it was kinda weird. My mom hasn't been in a salon in a while, either, and she forgot to tip the lady. I feel horrible about that, still. We probably looked like a bunch of losers. What's more, they knew that I went to a Chistian school, so I hope they're not thinking, "Those Christian people are so cheap!! We're never letting them in here again!" Oh well.

So, after the hair appointment, my mom and I scurried over to the nail place, and they took us in early. This is probably a good thing, since it took nearly TWO HOURS to do a full set, with a French manicure. Now, I've never had my nails done before in my life, but I know that my time was wasted. Of course, by this point, we remembered to tip, so I ended up tipping the chik who wasted my time rather than the lady who valued it. Yar.

Well, with the unexpected loss of time, I think I wound up with about five minutes to get dressed and slop on some eyeliner when I got home. It was pretty sad. I managed to get to Shannon's house only fifteen minutes later than planned. Tim was already there, so we took pictures there, and then went to Carlos' house to take even more pictures there.

OH right, how did Carlos and Tim get into the picture? Up until Thursday, I was all set to go with Shannon. Well, Tim and Carlos were going by themselves, and someone decided that the group of four should become two groups of two. So, Tim took Shannon and Carlos took me. If I didn't know better, I would almost think that it was an ingenius way to get out of paying for the girls' tickets.

Anyway, we most definitely did not get to the Holiday Inn, where Formal was being held, on time. But, that was probably best, since the first hour or so was dedicated to mingling around. I despise mingling, especially when I'm dressed up and uncomfortable and tired. I hate knowing that everyone is checking everyone else out.. that you can never, even for one second, stop sucking it in, since that is bound to be the once second that someone is looking at you. Most likely, someone whose opinion matters to you. Even if it's just the popular skinny girl who is sure to make snide remarks about you if you aren't looking up to par. Or maybe it's your secret "Bob the Snail."

I guess what I'm saying is that I'm paranoid. I'm paranoid and uncomfortable, and, at all times, I'm dying to leave. In fact, I probably alluded to that fact once every five minutes on the button. "Gosh, I hate these things." "Are we done yet?" "When is thing going to be over?"

Anyway, dinner was good, the improv group was decent, and staying a little late to watch Mr. Marsh and Mrs. Wright tearing up the dance floor made the whole night worth the troubles.

Now, Carlos, my date, is not one to talk. He gave his testimony in chapel on Wednesday, and it was the most I've heard him say ever. I talk to him and at him a lot in Economics, since he's unfortunate enough to sit next to me. He'll answer me once in a great while, but usually he falls asleep, leaving me rambling away to no one.

However, I managed to keep up a good conversation all the way to Formal (I left my car at his house so he could drive me) and all the way back to his house (where I picked up my car and drove seperately to Guy's post-Formal shindig.) It was hilarious to hear him talk, just becuase.. it was. We got to talking about Mr. Severson, the beloved math teacher from last year who is actually taking off work at his new job to accompany the seniors on our class trip. Anyway, I guess Carlos saw Severson at Hobby Lobby the other day, and Carlos said, "I saw him in the aisle, and my heart, like, stopped. I was so excited to see him!" I doubled over laughing, since I immediately pictured Carlos and Severson catching each others' eyes and then running in slow-motion towards one another. Then a slow-motion hug and some cheesy love music in the background.

Yeah.. that's just the way I pictured it happening.


YAR! (Slaps self on forehead.) I almost forgot the most exciting part of the evening! Matt and Melody were voted king and queen, which is awesome, cuz they're both really cool people and they totally deserve some recognition for their coolness. Neither of them is of the uber-popular-and-super-stuck-up group. They are both well-liked though, and I'm really happy for both of them.

Oh yeah, post-Formal shindig at Guy's house. Basically, everyone was really tired, so we watched the Producers. Carlos fell asleep. Everyone was pretty quiet, and most people left after the movie was done, which was like at 1am or so. Allison, Matt B. (a different Matt), and I stayed and watched Boy Meets World with Guy, but then Guy fell asleep. He woke up when the show was over, and we all decided it was time to go. Ok, my parents really decided that one for me, what with a curfew and all that fun stuff. Allison spent the night at my house, since she needed to be in my part of the country for a community service project today anyway.

That brings us up to now, with me sitting here typing away, trying to figure out how to type with nails on. Actually, I think I'm getting used to them. The only real issue I've run into so far is taking out my contacts. Sharp objects protruding from the ends of my fingers makes any eye contact a little more painful than usual.

Well, I have more to talk about, but I'll save that for the next entry.

The end.

:: before :: after