a spoonful of random...

linkin park and lord of the rings. yes, they work together. trust me.

written at 12:21 p.m. on 08.09.05

Mmm... Linkin Park. I haven't listened to anything but jazz (and the forty-some songs that Jason has sent recently) for the entirity of this summer. Jazz, jazz, jazz. And then today, I was reading "The Fellowship of the Ring" and really needing Linkin Park to complete the experience.

See, when I first read the books, I was in the back of the family van on the way to Texas for my cousin Melinda's wedding. I had Hybrid Theory in my CD player, eight thousand batteries next to me, a box of Chocolate Teddy Grahams, a bag of Peanut M&Ms, and like.. four water bottles. I just sat back there, the same CD playing over and over again, reading and reading some more. I finished the first two on the way down (in about twelve hours... the other five or more hours I spent sleeping) and the third I read mostly during the week. I left the end til after I watched the third movie five times in theater. Yes, I'm obsessed.

Anyway, I associate Hybrid Theory with Lord of the Rings, so ... yes, my point has been made.

Umm.. I got really bored last night and started taking notes on the first chapter of my management book. Funny how I'm always in the mood to learn when school isn't in session...

Oh yeah! Sorry about the monstrous vacation from updating! I totally just like spaced out for a while, and was like, "I need to finish that family reunion entry before I can write again!" That's crap! I need my Diaryland! I'd die without it.


Yeah, so I'm gonna get back to reading and umm.. I shall stop neglecting the awesomeness of Diaryland right about... now!

:: before :: after