a spoonful of random...

dun dun dun.. where's that magic fairy dust when ya need it

written at 9:52 a.m. on 06.18.05

Dun dun dun..

Today is the day the grandmother and grandfather arrive. I'm happy to see them again but am feeling more and more nervous as the moment arrives. They didn't say what time they'd be arriving, but considering it's a 10-12 hour drive (according to my mom) from wherever the heck they were, I can see them arriving at any time of day. Not fun. My room still looks like five people are trying to move in at the same time.

I don't know how I'm going to finish up Cookie Designs by next weekend like I planned if I'm going to be playing the role of hostess-junior. I generally spend about eight to ten hours a day working on design stuff (that's why I don't have a job, Erik) and will be probably limited to a few hours at night after my grandma goes to bed. Actually, scratch that. My mom will need an hour to vent, leaving me one hour-ish a day to be online. And I'll have to go to bed on time and wake up earlier than on time so I don't get yiped at by anyone for being a slug. Mmf.. Company is a hassle.. but, in this case, a welcome one.

I need to get back to that room-cleaning, me-primping, magic-fairy-dust-obtaining day of mine.


:: before :: after